Commission Reports

The Maryland Public Service Commission produces a range of reports on matters pertaining to areas regulated by the agency. Below is a list of Commission reports.

Maryland PSC Annual Reports
2023 MD PSC Annual ReportApril 30, 2024
2022 MD PSC Annual ReportApril 27, 2023
2021 MD PSC Annual ReportApril 28, 2022
2020 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 17, 2021
2019 MD PSC Annual Report
March 25, 2020
2018 MD PSC Annual Report April 2, 2019
2017 MD PSC Annual Report
April 3, 2018
2016 MD PSC Annual Report
April 5, 2017
2015 MD PSC Annual ReportApril 1, 2016
2014 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 25, 2015
2013 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 25, 2014
2012 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 27, 2013
2011 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 30, 2012
2010 MD PSC Annual ReportDecember 2, 2011
2009 MD PSC Annual ReportJune 21, 2010
2008 MD PSC Annual ReportAugust 21, 2009
2007 MD PSC Annual ReportMay 8, 2008
2006 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 21, 2007
2005 MD PSC Annual ReportMarch 13, 2006
2004 Annual ReportMay 5, 2005
Electric Universal Service Program Reports
2023 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 23, 2024
2022 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 9, 2023
2021 EUSP Annual ReportFebruary 16, 2022
2020 EUSP Annual ReportDecember 11, 2020
2019 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 31, 2020
2018 EUSP Annual ReportApril 24, 2019
2017 EUSP Annual ReportDecember 21, 2018
2016 EUSP Annual ReportJune 6, 2018
2015 EUSP ReportMay 9, 2016
2014 EUSP ReportApril 2, 2015
2013 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 13, 2014
Status Report Regarding Evaluation of Low-Income Assistance Programs and Ratepayer Funding of the Electric Universal Service ProgramDecember 18, 2013
2012 EUSP Annual ReportFebruary 15, 2013
2008 EUSP Annual ReportDecember 7, 2009
2007 EUSP Annual ReportMarch 14, 2008
Consultant's Report on Electric Universal Service ProgramJune 7, 2007
2006 EUSP Annual ReportDecember 20, 2006
2005 EUSP Annual ReportDecember 21, 2005
2004 EUSP Annual ReportNovember 30, 2004
2003 EUSP Annual ReportJune 21, 2004
2002 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 23, 2003
2001 EUSP Annual ReportJanuary 31, 2002
2000 EUSP Annual ReportFebruary 13, 2001
EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Reports
2024 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportJune 4, 2024
2023 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportJune 22, 2023
2022 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportApril 28, 2022
2021 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportApril 28, 2021
2020 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportApril 29, 2020
2019 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportJuly 22, 2019
2018 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportAugust 2, 2018
2017 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportOctober 3, 2017
2016 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportMay 5, 2016
2015 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportApril 3, 2015
2014 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportMarch 19, 2014
2013 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportApril 4, 2013
2012 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportMarch 30, 2012
2011 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act Standard ReportNovember 14, 2011
Net Metering Reports
2023 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringNovember 9, 2023
2022 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringNovember 1, 2022
2021 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringOctober 18, 2021
2020 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringNovember 25, 2020
2019 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringSeptember 24, 2019
2018 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringSeptember 10, 2018
2016 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringAugust 23, 2017
2015 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringJanuary 4, 2016
2014 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringSeptember 10, 2014
2013 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringSeptember 26, 2013
2012 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringSeptember 5, 2012
2011 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringDecember 13, 2011
2010 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringJune 11, 2010
2009 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringMarch 5, 2009
2008 MD PSC Report on the Status of Net Energy MeteringFebruary 8, 2008
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Reports
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report with Data for Calendar Year 2022November 30, 2023
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report with Data for Calendar Year 2021November 29, 2022
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report with Data for Calendar Year 2020November 12, 2021
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report with Data for Calendar Year 2019
October 19, 2020
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Calendar Year 2018December 10, 2019
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2017November 27, 2018
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2016February 9, 2018
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2015January 10, 2017
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2014January 12, 2016
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2013January 27, 2015
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2012January 6, 2014
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2011March 2013
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2010April 6, 2012
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2009February 3, 2011
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2008March 8, 2010
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2007April 20, 2009
2007 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard ReportFebruary 9, 2007
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report With Data for Compliance Year 2006February 7, 2008
2006 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard ReportMarch 15, 2006
2005 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard ReportJanuary 31, 2007
2000 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Report
February 13, 2001
Ten-Year Plan of Maryland Electric Companies
Ten-Year Plan (2023-2032) of Electric Companies in MarylandNovember 15, 2023
Ten-Year Plan (2022-2031) of Electric Companies in MarylandNovember 7, 2022
Ten-Year Plan (2021-2030) of Electric Companies in MarylandNovember 1, 2021
Ten-Year Plan (2020-2029 ) of Electric Companies in MarylandOctober 21, 2020
Ten-Year Plan (2019-2028) of Electric Companies in MarylandJanuary 6, 2020
Ten-Year Plan (2018-2027) of Electric Companies in MarylandDecember 18, 2018
Ten-Year Plan (2017-2026) of Electric Companies in MarylandApril 3, 2018
Ten Year Plan (2016-2025) of Electric Companies in MarylandDecember 9, 2016
Ten Year Plan (2014-2023) of Electric Companies in MarylandAugust 28, 2014
Ten-Year Plan (2012-2021) of Electric Companies in Maryland
April 18, 2013
Ten-Year Plan (2011-2020) of Electric Companies in MarylandFebruary 9, 2012
Ten-Year Plan (2010-2019) of Electric Companies in MarylandAugust 4, 2011
Ten-Year Plan (2009-2018) of Electric Companies in MarylandJune 29, 2010
Ten-Year Plan (2008-2017) of Electric Companies in MarylandMarch 30, 2009
Ten-Year Plan (2007-2016) of Electric Companies in MarylandJune 2, 2008
Ten-Year Plan (2006-2015) of Electric Companies in MarylandJanuary 3, 2007
Ten-Year Plan (2005-2014) of Electric Companies in MarylandDecember 21, 2005
Ten-Year Plan (2004-2013) of Electric Companies in MarylandDecember 2004
Utility Service Protection Program Reports
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2022-2023September 22, 2023
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2021-2022September 9, 2022
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2020-2021September 23, 2021
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2019-2020September 1, 2020
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2018-2019December 5, 2019
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2017-2018December 5, 2019
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2016-2017November 29, 2017
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2015-2016November 29, 2017
USPP Annual Report for Winter 2014-2015November 29, 2017
Final USPP Report Winter 2013-2014September 24, 2014
2012-2013 USPP Annual Report-Winter SeasonAugust 27, 2013
2011-2012 USPP Annual Report-Winter SeasonAugust 14, 2012
2010-2011 USPP Annual Report-Winter SeasonAugust 23, 2011
2009-2010 USPP Annual Report-Winter SeasonOctober 5, 2010
USPP Annual Report 2008-2009 Winter SeasonOctober 6, 2009
Final USPP Report 2006-2007 Winter SeasonMarch 14, 2008
USPP Report 2005-2006 Winter Season
June 2006
USPP Final Report 2004-2005 Winter January 9, 2006
Reports to the Maryland General Assembly
Energy Storage Pilot Program Interim ReportJuly 1, 2024
POWER Act Status ReportJune 27, 2024
2024 Maryland PSC Cybersecurity Act ReportJune 24, 2024
2024 MD PSC Flower Branch Act ReportFebruary 29, 2024
2024 Offshore Wind MBE/CBA Compliance ReportFebruary 1, 2024
Maryland PSC Electrification Study ReportJanuary 16, 2024
2023 MESP ReportDecember 27, 2003
2023 DSP ReportDecember 21, 2023
2023 Joint Chairmen's Report: PSC Procedures Relating to Court Filings November 30, 2023
2023 Joint Chairmen's Report: PSC Supplier Enforcement Actions, 2010-2022November 8, 2023
2023 Joint Chairmen's Report: PSC Judicial DecisionsNovember 7, 2023
2023 Joint Chairmen's Report: Complaint ReportingSeptember 1, 2023
2023 Offshore Wind MBE/CBA Compliance ReportMarch 6, 2023
2023 MD PSC Flower Branch Act ReportMarch 1, 2023
2022 Joint Chairmen's Report: Energy Supplier Marketing PracticesDecember 21, 2022
Distribution System Planning Interim ReportDecember 1, 2022
2022 Joint Chairmen's Report: Utility Complaint DataNovember 1, 2022
Offshore Wind MBE and CBA 2022 Compliance ReportSeptember 23, 2022
Report on Consumer Education and Protections Relating to Corrugated Stainless Steel TubingSeptember 2, 2022
Report on the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems (CSEGS) Pilot Program
July 1, 2022
Recommendations on the Future of EmPOWER MarylandJune 22, 2022
2021 Joint Chairmen's Report on Posting and Tracking Utility Complaint DataDecember 3, 2021
2021 Joint Chairmen's Report on Electric Vehicle Charging Pilot ProgramNovember 8, 2021
2021 Joint Chairmen's Report on Residential Retail Energy Offerings for Electric and/or Natural Gas Service and Consumer ProtectionsOctober 25, 2021
2021 Joint Chairmen's Report on Consumer Choice WebsitesOctober 18, 2021
Interim Report on Customer Education and Choice Shopping WebsitesDecember 15, 2020
2020 Joint Chairmen's Report on Energy Supplier PricingDecember 15, 2020
2020 Joint Chairmen's Report on Electric Vehicle Charging Pilot ProgramDecember 1, 2020
Master Meter Conversion StudyJanuary 15, 2019
Final Report and Recommendations of the PSC Technical Staff in Maryland Public Service Commission Public Conference 39 to Review Withdrawals of Regulated Retail Telecommunications Services and Rate Increase NotificationsDecember 3, 2015
2015 Electric Vehicle Pilot Program ReportJanuary 30, 2015
Final Report and Recommendations of the PSC Leader in Maryland Public Service Commission Public Conference 35December 30, 2014
Status Report Regarding Outcome or Status of Evaluation of Energy Assistance ProgramsDecember 8, 2014
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration ReportMay 2, 2014
Staff Report on the Derecho Vulnerable Individuals Work Group and Response to HB1159December 4, 2013
2012 Joint Chairmen's Report on Common Carrier InvestigationsDecember 3, 2012
Final Report on Tenant Payment of Landlord Utility BillsDecember 3, 2012
VoIP ReportJune 14, 2012
SB 692 ReportMarch 15, 2012
Telephone Lifeline and Link Up Service ReportNovember 14, 2011
Report on Residential Customer Terminations, Arrearages and Reconnections in Maryland (October 2009-September 2010)January 26, 2011
Report on Residential Customer Terminations, Arrearages and Reconnections in Maryland (October 2007-September 2009)March 26, 2010
Report on Residential Customer Termination, Arrearages, and Reconnections in Maryland (October 2006-September 2008)November 2008
Report on Residential Customer Terminations, Arrearages and Reconnections in Maryland (January 2006-March 2008)July 3, 2008
2008 Settlement Agreement (Constellation, BGE, Calvert Cliffs, MD PSC)March 28, 2008
Interim Report, Part IIJanuary 17, 2008
Kaye Scholer: State Analysis and Survey on Restructuring and Re-RegulationDecember 5, 2007
MD PSC Interim Report to the MD General AssemblyDecember 3, 2007
Electric Supply Adequacy Report of 2007January 17, 2007
Report on the Recommendations for the Adoption and Feasibility of the Appropriate Mitigation ProgramsJanuary 2, 2007
Report on the Status of Electric RestructuringJanuary 2, 2007
Report on Residential Customer Arrearages, Turnoffs, and Reconnections in Maryland: REVISEDSeptember 29, 2006
Report to Budget Committees Pursuant to Joint Chairmen's Report of the 2006 SessionAugust 15, 2006
Joint Chairmen's Report: Attachment 1
Joint Chairmen's Report: Attachment 2
Electric Restructuring White PaperFebruary 22, 2005
Ring Fencing ReportFebruary 18, 2005
Position on Reliability Pricing Model Proposed by PJMDecember 14, 2004
2002 Survey of Residential and Commercial Customers: PresentationJanuary 30, 2003
Survey of StatesMay 8, 2001
Transmittal Final ReportMay 8, 2001
ErrataApril 24, 2001
Kaye Scholer Supplement to Final Report: Financial Risk Analysis of the Return to Rate Base Regulation
Kaye Scholer, Final Report: State Analysis and Survey on Restructuring and Reregulation for the MD PSC
Kaye Scholer: Stranded Costs Analysis
Levitan & Associates, Final Report: Analysis of Resource and Policy Options for Maryland's Energy Future for the MD PSC
Levitan & Associates: Analysis of Options for Maryland's Energy Future
Legislative Briefings
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (January 28, 2020): Transportation Network Companies Regulatory UpdateJanuary 29, 2020
Response to 2019 Joint Chairmen's Report on the Fiscal 2020 State Operating Budget (HB 100) and the State Capital Budget (HB 101)-Energy SuppliersOctober 3, 2019
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (September 16, 2019): Energy 101/Agency OverviewSeptember 18, 2019
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (September 16, 2019): Regulatory Update/Current IssuesSeptember 18, 2019
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (January 22, 2019): Public Service Commission Topics of InterestJanuary 23, 2019
House Economic Matters Committee Briefing (January 10, 2019): Public Service Commission Agency OverviewJanuary 11, 2019
House Economic Matters Committee Briefing (January 10, 2019): Public Service Commission Ratemaking OverviewJanuary 11, 2019
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (December 11, 2018): Public Service Commission Activities and Current IssuesDecember 21, 2018
House Bill 1055 PSC 2013 ReportSeptember 16, 2014
House Economic Matters Committee Briefing (January 16, 2014): Reliability and Infrastructure Upgrades, Advanced Metering Issues, and Related MattersFebruary 6, 2014
Senate Finance Committee Briefing (November 26, 2013): Public Service Commission Activities and Energy UpdateFebruary 6, 2014
2012 Contact Voltage Legislative ReportJanuary 29, 2013
Joint Committee Briefing on Utility Bill InvestigationMarch 2009
House Economic Matters Briefing SlidesJanuary 17, 2008
Presentation Interim Report before the Senate Finance CommitteeDecember 4, 2007
Report to the Senate Finance Committee and House Economic Matters Committee to Comply with Ch. 560, Acts of 2007November 27, 2007
Power Generation and Maryland Tax Structure: Joint Report by Department of Budget & Management and the Public Service CommissionDecember 15, 2004
Competitive Metering Working Group Report
Retail-Load Participation in Competitive Wholesale Electricity MarketsApril 18, 2001
Competitive Metering Working Group Final ReportMay 8, 2001
Consumer Education Program Report
Consumer Education Program: Funding Report, Attachment
Consumer Education Program: Second-Year Performance Report and Third-Year PlanSeptember 2001
Consumer Research on the Electric Choice Program
2002 Survey of Residential and Commercial Customers: ReportJanuary 29, 2003
2002 Survey of Residential Customers: Questionnaire
Consumer Education Program: Funding ReportFebruary 13, 2001
Demand-Side Management Reports
DSM ReportMarch 1, 2001
DSM Report: Attachment A-Appendix A
DSM Report: Attachment A-Appendix B
DSM Report: Attachment A
DSM Report: Attachment B
DSM Report: Staff Exhibits to Attachment A
MD PSC Supplement to SB400 Final Report to the MD General AssemblyApril 2, 2009
MD PSC Slide Presentation on SB400December 16, 2008
MD PSC SB400 Final Report to the MD General AssemblyDecember 11, 2008
Report on SOS Rates
2023 SOS and Retail Marketing ReportJanuary 8, 2024
2018 Report on the Status of Standard Offer Service, the Development of Competition, and the Transition of Standard Offer Service to a Default ServiceJanuary 16, 2019
2013 Report on the Status of Standard Offer Service, the Development of Competition, and the Transition of Standard Offer Service to a Default ServiceJanuary 9, 2014
Final Report of the Technical Consultant on the 2005-2006 RFPs for Standard Offer ServiceMay 25, 2006
Wind Energy Reports
Axum MD Round 2 Offshore Wind Transmission StudySeptember 29, 2020
MD PSC Annual Report on the Status of 2010 Wind-Powered Generating Stations in the State of MarylandApril 22, 2010
2009 MD PSC Annual Report on the Status of Wind-Powered Generating Stations in the State of MarylandApril 20, 2009