Transforming Maryland’s Electric Grid (PC44)
With a goal of ensuring that Maryland’s electric grid is customer-centered, affordable, reliable and environmentally sustainable, the Public Service Commission initiated a proceeding, titled Public Conference 44 (PC44) to launch a targeted review of electric distribution systems in Maryland. This proceeding builds on two Commission technical conferences held recently that examined rate-related issues affecting the deployment of distributed energy resources (such as solar) and electric vehicles.
This proceeding aims to explore issues that will maximize benefits and choice to Maryland electric customers and, in particular, assess how the evolving electric grid impacts low- and moderate-income ratepayers.
In the Commission’s initial notice, seven topics were suggested for consideration in this proceeding. After reviewing written and oral comments, the Commission issued a notice on January 31, 2017 establishing guiding principles and amending the list of topics to better align with possible long-term outcomes. They include:
1. Rate Design
(Brett Sproul, Workgroup Leader)
2. Electric Vehicles
(Case No. 9478; Benjamin Baker, Workgroup Leader)
EV Pilot Fact Sheet
3. Competitive Markets and Customer Choice
(Rule Making 62)
4. Interconnection Process
(Rule Making 61; Rule Making 68; Rule Making 81; John Borkoski, Workgroup Leader)
5. Energy Storage
(Case No. 9715; John Borkoski, Workgroup Leader)
6. Distribution System Planning
Upcoming Meetings/Hearings:
Press release: Culmination of NARUC/NASEO Task Force on Distribution Planning
Value of Solar Study Documents:
Additional information and related links:
CNBC: 2021′s most-improved state for business is Maryland. New infrastructure thinking is the reason (July 13, 2021)
Md. group submits plans for utility-led charger expansion (E&E Energywire, January 29, 2018)
Maryland Could Soon Have the Second-Largest EV Charging Network in the US (Greentech Media, January 26, 2018)
Gridwise Alliance Ranks Maryland #3 in Grid Modernization —
Video of 2.28.2017 Stakeholder Meeting on Rate Design (requires an Flv Player)
Comments from stakeholders and other interested parties can be found in the PC44 docket.