Notice of Deregulation of Interexchange Telecommunication Services and Change of Authority for Inmate Calling Providers


June 9, 2015


To: All Maryland Regulated Facilities-Based and Resold Interexchange Carriers

During the 2015 legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 472 (“Bill”) entitled “Telephone Companies – Streamlined Regulatory Requirements.” On May 12, 2015, Governor Hogan signed the Bill into law. The Bill narrowed the types of services provided by telephone companies subject to Commission regulation by altering the definition of “Telephone Company” in Section 1-101(11) of the Public Utilities Article. Specifically, interexchange telecommunications services were removed from the definition of a public service company. Therefore, interexchange carriers operating in Maryland are no longer regulated by the Commission effective July 1, 2015.

In order to ensure that carriers’ tariffs remain current and accurate, the Commission directs carriers with authority provide interexchange services exclusively, provide confirmation to the Commission that effective July 1, 2015 they no longer provide regulated services to customers in Maryland. Upon receipt of the confirmation, the Commission will deem the carrier’s tariff canceled. By July 1, 2015, carriers with a combined local exchange and interexchange tariff shall file proposed tariff revisions with the Commission to remove the long distance portions from its tariff. The filing should provide for a 30-day notice period. Additionally, any references to long distance services that remain in a tariff should have a footnote or reference stating that the Commission no longer regulates long distance services. The Commission will deem the carrier’s authority to provide intrastate interexchange services rescinded upon receipt of the notification or upon the effective date of the tariff withdrawal and/or tariff revisions. The Commission directs carriers to complete these actions by July 1, 2015.

Failure to comply with this mandate will result in your company being out of compliance with the Public Utilities Article.

Finally, effective July 1, 2015 the operating authority of inmate calling providers will change from IXC authority to ICSP authority. This change in authority does not affect any of the tariffs inmate calling providers currently have on file. As a result, no action is required at this time from inmate calling providers.

Tariff filings should be addressed to Andrew Johnston, Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.