SmartOne Energy FAQs
Why are SmartOne Energy customers being migrated to their underlying gas distribution company (either Baltimore Gas and Electric or Washington Gas Light)?
On August 2, 2019, the Maryland Public Service Commission suspended the license of SmartOne Energy, LLC, a natural gas supplier. The Commission found that SmartOne Energy violated Maryland law by enrolling customers without a signed contract, failing to provide a contract summary to customers, and engaging in deceptive marketing practices. The company was also fined $561,000. As a result of the suspension of their license to operate in Maryland, the Commission directed that all current SmartOne Energy’s customers be returned to service with their underlying gas distribution company – either Washington Gas Light or Baltimore Gas and Electric. Customers will also have the option of choosing another gas supplier.
I am a current Smart One Energy customer – what should I do?
You will be notified by your default utility – either Washington Gas or BGE – about the process and timeline they will use to transfer customers from SmartOne Energy to utility service.
Will I get a refund?
The Commission will address the issue of refunds to customers in a subsequent ruling.
How will I know when I’ve been switched back to the utility?
On August 13, 2019, all SmartOne customers were migrated back to the applicable gas distribution company (WGL or BGE). If you are a WGL customer, your switch back to WGL will be effective August 31, 2019; if you are a BGE customer, your switch back to BGE will be September 1. You will no longer see charges for SmartOne Energy on your bill for service rendered after the effective date of switch; you may see charges for SmartOne Energy on your bill for service rendered prior to the effective date of switch.
Can I choose an energy supplier other than the utility?
Yes, you can. Changing retail gas suppliers is the same, whether you are changing from utility supply service to a new retail gas supplier or from one retail gas supplier to another. In either case, only the gas supplier you choose may switch your service.
Step 1: You, as the customer, enter into a contract with the retail natural gas supplier of your choice.
Step 2: The retail gas supplier will notify your utility of your request and the utility will switch you to the retail gas supplier’s service you selected.
Step 3: You will begin receiving service from your new retail gas supplier on the first day of the next month if the utility receives the enrollment from your supplier more than 7 days before the first day of the next month. If the utility receives the enrollment from your supplier less than 7 days before the first day of the next month, your service from your new retail gas supplier shall begin on the first day of the next subsequent month.
You will receive a notice of your enrollment from both your utility and your new retail gas supplier before the switch occurs. These notices will confirm your selection of your new retail gas supplier and the date on which your service will switch, and summarize the new supply option you selected with your new retail gas supplier. If these two notices do not match, or if you did not sign up for service with the named retail gas supplier, you should contact the retail gas supplier immediately to remedy this issue.
If you leave a retail gas supplier without selecting a new one, you will be returned to utility-provided supply until you choose a new retail gas supplier. You always have the ability to return to the utility for gas supply if you wish; however, you need to read your contract to determine if there are any early termination fees associated with your contract.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
You may email the Commission at or contact your utility:
Washington Gas Light: 844-WASHGAS (927-4427)
Baltimore Gas and Electric: 800-685-0123