Renewable Energy

Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) was established in 2004 to capture the economic, environmental, fuel diversity, and security benefits of renewable energy; establish a market for renewable energy in Maryland; and lower the cost of obtaining electricity generated from renewable sources. Maryland’s RPS Program does this by gradually increasing the amount of renewable energy electricity suppliers must procure from renewable sources by 2030 to 50 percent as most recently updated by the Clean Energy Jobs Act of 2019.  As the RPS increases, fewer and fewer pollutants enter our air and water,  and the state’s array of renewable energy resources grows. The application processes associated with the RPS can be found under Description of the Documents for the Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Program. These application processes have not changed in the last year. On average, the time to process an application and receive a decision is 45 days.

Maryland RPS Fact Sheet
Offshore Wind Fact Sheet
Offshore Wind Maryland Website
Solar in Maryland Fact Sheet
Community Solar Pilot Program

Listed below are links for the renewable energy credit log-in, renewable energy credits for sale, resources associated with the solar renewable portfolio standard, and the portal for Round 2 offshore wind applications.

REC Suppliers Log-in

RECs for Sale

Solar RPS

Offshore Wind Application Portal

Axum MD Round 2 Offshore Wind Transmission Study