Supplier/Utility Complaint Data
Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024) Utility and Energy Supplier Complaint Data
- Q4 FY2024 Supplier Complaint Data
- Q3 FY2024 Supplier Complaint Data
- Q2 FY2024 Supplier Complaint Data
- Q1 FY2024 Supplier Complaint Data
Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023) Utility and Energy Supplier Complaint Data
- Q4 FY2023 Supplier Complaint Data
- Q3 FY2023 Supplier Complaint Data
- Q2 FY2023 Utility Complaint Data
- Q2 FY2023 Complaint Data-Suppliers
- Q1 FY2023 Complaint Data-Suppliers
- FY2023 Utility Complaint Data
Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022) Energy Supplier Complaint Data
Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021) Energy Supplier Complaint Data
Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020) Energy Supplier Complaint Data
The Public Service Commission’s Consumer Affairs Division (CAD) receives, investigates and responds to consumer complaints against regulated utility companies and/or gas and electric retail energy suppliers in accordance with the Code of Maryland Regulations 20.32. CAD investigators act as impartial intermediaries and attempt to resolve disputes. Prior to contacting CAD, the customer must have contacted the company first for investigation and resolution (COMAR If you have a complaint that requires investigation, and you already attempted to resolve your dispute with the company directly, you may file your dispute with CAD at File an Online Complaint.
In addition to investigating complaints, CAD also closely monitors the number and type(s) of complaints received against all regulated utilities and licensed retail energy suppliers. CAD monitors the companies’ activities through the complaints received and data reported.
CAD developed a quarterly report and a monthly snapshot of gas and electric utility complaints, new for fiscal year 2023. The utility quarterly report and monthly snapshot covers complaints received by CAD against Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE), Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco), Delmarva Power and Light Company (DPL), The Potomac Edison Company (PE), Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SMECO), and Washington Gas Light Company (WGL).
This page also contains statistical reports regarding customer complaints against retail energy suppliers (published quarterly by month beginning with Fiscal Year 2020 data). The information provided in these reports reflects the number and type(s) of complaints filed by customers of retail energy suppliers, as well as the disposition of any closed complaints. These reports are intended to provide raw statistical data regarding individual complaints made against retail energy suppliers that receive three or more complaints in a given month. These reports do not reflect the total number of customers served by a supplier. Additionally, these reports only track initial complaints handled under the first level of the Commission’s dispute process. In some cases, a single complaint against a supplier could involve multiple issues, resulting in a tally greater than the total number of complaint submissions.
When a complaint is closed, a determination is made either in favor of the customer or the supplier. A determination is considered in favor of a customer if the CAD investigator found a specific violation of law, Commission regulation or order. A determination is considered in favor of the supplier if the CAD investigator found no violations. This disposition is reflected in the report. However, if a complaint is still pending when the report is issued, “NA” (not applicable) is indicated.
Energy Choice Videos – Watch these videos on our YouTube channel to learn how to handle interactions with retail energy supplier agents.
Energy Supplier Formal Complaint Cases (status and actions):
- Case No. 9613–Staff of the Public Service Commission against SmartEnergy Holdings d/b/a SmartEnergy, filed May 10, 2019
- Case No. 9614–Staff of the Public Service Commission against Direct Energy Services, LLC, filed May 15, 2019 (Settlement agreement on $125,000 civil penalty: September 9, 2021)
- Case No. 9615–Staff of the Public Service Commission against U.S. Gas & Electric d/b/a Maryland Gas & Electric and Energy Services Providers, Inc. d/b/a Maryland Gas & Electric, filed May 15, 2019 (Settlement agreement on $150,000 civil penalty: September 30, 2021)
- Case No. 9617–Staff of the Public Service Commission against Smart One Energy, LLC, filed May 10, 2019 (Order assessing $561,000 civil penalty: August 2, 2019; license subsequently revoked)
- Case No. 9624–Staff of the Public Service Commission against Atlantic Energy MD, LLC, filed May 15, 2019 (Settlement agreement on $250,000 civil penalty: June 15, 2021)
- Case No. 9647–Complaint of the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel against SunSea Energy, LLC, filed June 4, 2020 (Order assessing $400,000 civil penalty: August 18, 2021; license suspended April 6, 2023)
- Case No. 9661–Complaint for Show Cause against StateWise Energy Maryland, LLC, filed December 10, 2020 (Settlement agreement on $150,000 civil penalty: January 11, 2022)
- Case No. 9690–Staff of the Public Service Commission Complaint for Show Cause against SFE Energy Maryland, Inc., filed January 26, 2023 (Settlement agreement on $150,000 civil penalty/$400,000 in customer refunds: January 11, 2024)
- Case No. 9691–Staff of the Public Service Commission against Greenlight Energy Inc., filed February 15, 2023 (Settlement agreement and $40,000 civil penalty: April 14, 2023)