General Information About the Public Service Commission
Which utilities are regulated by the Public Service Commission?
The Commission regulates gas, electric, gas and electric, telephone, for-profit water and sewage companies, and common carriers, such as charter bus, van and limousine companies transporting persons for hire within Maryland, taxicabs in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Hagerstown and Cumberland, and rideshare (also known as Transportation Network Companies), such as Uber and Lyft.
Additionally, the Commission has authority to license gas and electric suppliers; adopt complaint procedures; and establish consumer protection standards concerning contracting, enrollment and the marketing of supplier services.
How do I obtain copies of information relating to utilities and Commission cases from the Public Service Commission?
Use these links to find the resources you need on the MD PSC web site or other web sites:
- Regulations
- Tariffs, which include the utility’s rates and general terms and conditions, are accessible from the utility’s website. Any questions about tariffs must be made to the utility. If your questions are not addressed to your satisfaction you may send an inquiry to the Commission using the online complaint portal or in writing to: Consumer Affairs Division, Maryland Public Service Commission, 6 St. Paul Street, 15th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202; fax: (410) 333-6844.
- Commission orders or other material from a case file can be downloaded here. If you are having trouble finding the document you are looking for, please call the Commission’s Docket Room at (410) 767-8080. There is a $0.50 cents per page charge for copying documents.
How do I participate in public hearings and public administrative meetings?
The Commission’s proceedings, including public comment hearings, are still being held virtually. More information on changes to the Commission’s operations due to COVID-19, can be found here. If you wish to speak at a public hearing, you may sign up to speak based on the instructions contained in the hearing notice. It may be necessary for the presiding officer to limit the amount of time for each person’s presentation due to time restrictions, or the number of speakers.
If you are unable to attend an in-person or virtual public hearing or meeting, but wish to express your opinion on a particular matter, you may send your written comments to:
Andrew S. Johnston, Executive Secretary
Maryland Public Service Commission
6 Saint Paul Street, 16th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202-6806
Please note the case number you are commenting on. The Commission does not respond to written comments. However, a copy of the written comments are recorded and maintained in the correspondence file. Consumers who have an inquiry or dispute that needs an investigation can file a dispute with the Commission’s Consumer Affairs Division.