Start, Stop or Transfer Service
How much notice should I give my utility if I want to start, stop or transfer service?
Most utilities will require that you give them at least 72 hours notice to start, stop or transfer service. You can make your request by calling the utility or by completing an application form. Most utilities now have an application form on their website. The utility may allow more than one individual to be listed on the account. All persons who are listed on the account will be responsible for payment of the bill.
What information might the utility need from me to start new service?
A utility may accept either a written or verbal applications for service. Each verbal application for service is to be confirmed in writing by the utility. The utility may require that you provide:
- Your name, address, home and work telephone numbers, and employer of the customer of record;
- The address of the premises for which service is requested and date you are starting service;
- A mailing address and telephone number of the customer of record if that person is not an occupant of the premises for which service is requested;
- The customer of record’s former electric service address and the date customer moved, if applicable; and
- The date of birth, driver’s license number and other identifying information for the applicant/customer of record.
Why is it important for me to call the utility to discontinue service?
It is your responsibility to notify the utility when you want service in your name to stop. Failure to contact the utility may result in additional billing in your name even after you leave the premise. The utility will continue to hold you responsible for this billing until you notify them or until a new customer contacts them to apply for service in their name. When you call to discontinue service, you will be required to provide the utility with an address to mail your final bill, which will be clearly noted as a final bill. Any deposit that the utility had on your account will be returned to you.
Are there any fees for starting new service?
Your utility may bill you a service application or installation charge to start service. The amount charged is regulated by the Public Service Commission. This is a non-fundable fee and is only billed once to recover the utility’s initial startup costs. In addition the utility may request a cash deposit to begin service. The deposit will earn interest as long as it is held by the utility. The deposit and interest will be returned to you after you have secured a good payment history, or when you contact the utility to stop service.
When is it okay for the utility to deny me service?
A utility may refuse to provide you service if you are a former customer and you did not pay your bill for prior service. The utility may also refuse you service if any fraud is involved, such as:
- Service was applied in a fictitious name, in the name of an individual who is not an occupant of the premises, or in the name of a third party without you disclosing this to the utility or having that person’s approval;
- If you fail to disclose a material fact or you misrepresent information to the utility;
- If you are living with co-occupants who owe a bill for that dwelling unit (or a previous dwelling unit) and you have been co-occupying the service with them; or,
- If you are assisting another occupant of a dwelling unit to avoid payment of that occupant’s prior outstanding bill.
Can the utility deny me service if I owe a bill that is old?
A customer is responsible for payment of all past-due, current, and future bills for service provided to the customer. However, a utility may not refuse service to you for nonpayment of an outstanding bill that is over seven years old, unless you signed an agreement to pay the outstanding bill before the expiration of this period, or the outstanding bill was for service that you obtained fraudulently.