Funding Availability: State of Maryland Water System Assistance Program
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for Marylanders to pay their water bills due to the negative impacts of the pandemic. As a result, water systems in Maryland have been financially impacted. The Community/Public Water/Wastewater System Assistance Program provides $20 million of Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds to provide relief to water systems for outstanding water debt from residential customers related to the pandemic.
As a condition to receive program funding, water systems must agree to allocate payments as bill credits to customer accounts within a specific number of days after receiving payment and waive late fees and interest, among other requirements. The funding allocated to the program will cover outstanding water debt from residential customers that was accrued between January 27, 2020 and September 30, 2022.
For more information and to apply for funding, visit: State of Maryland Water System Assistance Program