Who to Contact
Your electric distribution company utility is responsible for safe and reliable delivery of electricity, no matter who is supplying it. Contact your utility for issues related to the delivery of electricity, including power outages and emergencies. You should also contact the utility for issues related to meter reading or for billing questions not related to the retail electricity supplier charges portion of the bill.
Customer Service: 410.685.0123 or 1.800.685.0123
Outages: 1.877.778.2222
Delmarva Power
Customer Service: 1.800.375.7117
Outages: 1.800.898.8042
Customer Service: 202.833.7500 (7 am-8 pm)
Outages: 1.877.737.2662
Potomac Edison
Customer Service: 1.800.255.3443
Outages: 1.800.255.3443
If you have questions about the retail electricity supplier charges on your bill, contact your retail electricity supplier directly.
Your electricity service can be terminated for non-payment of your utility and retail electricity supplier charges. If you receive a termination notice from your utility, you should contact your utility.
If you are unable to resolve a dispute with your utility or your retail electricity supplier directly, you may bring your concerns to the Maryland PSC’s Office of External Relations (OER) by calling 410-767-8028.
You can also contact the Office of People’s Counsel, an independent state agency that represents the interests of Maryland’s residential utility customers before the PSC. You can contact OPC by calling 1-800-207-4055.